ESG: Sustainability

The Environment

Saba identifies the environmental aspects deriving from its activity, by performing a thorough analysis on its process map, and measures their impacts through calculation of the carbon footprint according to internationally recognized standards and verifies that calculation by means of a qualified third party. This exercise allows more appropriate targets to be outlined and actions to help combat climate change to be implemented. In this regard, Saba integrates this point as a part of its business strategy, with the promotion of initiatives that contribute to advancing the ecological transition and leading towards a low-carbon economy.

Significant initiatives

Energy Management System and Certification

The Group has environmental regulations (ISO 14001) in Spain, Italy, Portugal, Chile and the United Kingdom. Furthermore, it is certified to the ISO 50001 Energy Efficiency standard in Spain, Italy, Portugal and Chile, and its implementation is foreseen in the short and medium term in the rest of the countries.


Saba is working continuously on the digital transformation of its processes and has implemented a hybrid training plan, both face-to-face and e-learning, enabling awareness raising among the entire workforce and promoting campaigns aimed at deploying more sustainable and environmentally-friendly behaviours: waste management, energy efficiency, emergency protocol and environmental impact, among other matters.

Facility monitoring

The company has a consumption control and management system that enables real-time monitoring of its facilities (consumption, power, intensity), recording of the energy consumed in each car park, as well as recording of consumption trends and the subsequent analysis of deviations to decide on corrective measures. Implemented in Spain, Italy, Portugal and Chile, it will be extended to the rest of the Group's countries in the coming years.

Energy saving

Saba promotes and implements various actions in order to directly influence savings in electricity consumption and is working to extend this to other countries in the short and medium term.

Change of luminaires to programmable LED technology
Installation of high-energy-efficiency lifts
Capacitor banks
Renovation of more energy efficient ventilation equipment

These actions have already been implemented in car parks in Spain, Italy, Portugal, Chile and the United Kingdom and work continues in more centres and in its extension to other countries.

In 2022, work began to renew the 2nd generation LED luminaires, replacing older LEDs with newer, even more efficient models. As the installed LED elements reach the end of their useful life, they will be replaced by more efficient components.

Facilities design needs to be added to all these measures, taking into account improvements that affect energy behaviour, consumption savings and climate change; the promotion of electric vehicles and the company's firm commitment to sustainable urban distribution of goods.

Carbon footprint measurement

With the aim of understanding its environmental impact, identifying lines of mitigation as well as involving its stakeholders, the Group calculates and verifies the carbon footprint of its activity each year by organising the sources into scopes, based on the degree of impact that the activity can have on these.

Climate change1

Saba considers climate change to be a global environmental challenge and is committed to offering its customers eco-efficient energy products and services that are less CO2 intensive in order to contribute to climate change mitigation and the energy transition.

The main strategic lines of action in climate matters to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are:

Carbon footprint reduction

1 Real data indicators from January to September and estimated data from October to December.

For climate change management, in addition to the climate change risk management tool, measurement, control and monitoring of GHG emissions are performed and operational plans developed to reduce them. The commitment to transparency and dissemination of information related to climate change takes shape in the publication of the results in the company's various external communication channels.

The measures and actions adopted by the organisation allow progress to be made in the ecological transition towards a low-carbon economy, minimising CO2 emissions derived from Saba's own activity. In the future, the Group will remain firm in its aim of contributing to the fight against climate change, promoting new initiatives and working hard to improve data capture and add more information for calculating the carbon footprint.

In 2022, Saba achieed a reduction in CO2 emissions of 16% compared to the previous year.

In 2022, Saba managed to reduce CO2 emissions by 16% compared to the previous year

The calculation1 of emissions for the last two years in each of the scopes is:


Measurements in tCO2eq as of December 31, 2022

Emission type:

Scope 1:

Fuel oil C, vehicle fleet diesel and refrigerant gases.

Scope 2:

Electricity consumption.

Scope 3:

Purchase of goods and services (water, paper, toner consumption), hazardous and non-hazardous waste, corporate travel and transportation and distribution.